Monday, February 12, 2007

How to armor a 4th Century Jute

So, I am on the path to creating a 4th century AD jute warrior persona for the SCA. If you want to know what the SCA is check out

I decided to make my kit as period as possible. It is a personal goal and challenge. I am starting my blog trip with armor since this has been the hardest thing to get hard information on. Most sources start with the Vikings and group all other things from Jutland in with the Celtic and the Roman Iron Age. Most finds of armor are listed as Roman since the Romans wrote that the celts did not wear armor.

So, we know that there was heavy trade with the Greeks and the Romans by the people of Jutland. The armies of the rest of the nations in the known world had armor so, why not the Jutes?

Next what would be possible period armor for a Jute and be protective for SCA combat.

The answer is a combination of armor that could be in the price range of a mercenary.

For the legs greaves. The Greeks used them and so did the Romans. Not hard to make.

The body will be a leather breast piece and belt with bronze plates and bronze lorica segmentata style shoulders. It would be something that could be made by imitation of items used by enemies. This will offer good protection, better than chain, and it will be lighter than other options.

The upper legs will be scale mail or Lorica Squamata. It was know to a wide range of cultures and was found in digs in Denmark dating to the 4th century. Very flexible and lighter than chainmail.

So that leaves the Head. I already wear a spangen helm but is it period?

That would depend on the spangen style. Mine is similar to one found in Deurne. It is a ridge spangen. Period for 4th century and know of in Jutland.

Well that is the plan for the armor of a Jute warrior in the SCA. I will post additional blogs as the armor comes together.

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