Sunday, April 20, 2008

Scale Armor Project continues

Well the armor is not coming together as quickly as I had hoped. The scales are taking a long time to produce. You have to cut and shape the scales, then you have to mark and punch the holes and then you have to file the edges and finally hammer them into a slight curve. The hammering also work hardens the brass and makes a stiffer piece. The hammering is time consuming and a pain with the small scales. Once all that is done you have to do the linking of the scales and that can be frustrating.

Below is a 3 row section. I ran out of hammered scales. Time to start pounding some more metal.

Below is a closeup of how the scales look from the front.

This is a close up of the back.

Now off to do some more hammering.

1 comment:

The Doctor's Companion said...

i've discovered that the Neiko Hand Held Power Punch from amazon is PERFECT for punching holes in armour scales. thanks for posting this. it's given me a better idea how to progress beyond experimentation.